
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Vasco perde mando de campo e clássico ante Fla será longe do Rio

Vasco perde mando de campo e clássico ante Fla será longe do Rio Vasco perde mando de campo e clássico ante Fla será longe do Rio

Morten Bødskov vil ikke forbyde salafister

Morten Bødskov vil ikke forbyde salafister Medlemmer af den meget omtalte salafistgruppe Ahlu Sunnah Wa Jammah udtalte for nylig, at de håber, at danske soldater kommer hjem fra Afghanistan i kister. Samtidig ville de yderliggående muslimer indføre sharia-zoner med islamisk retsorden i Danmark. ... Morten Bødskov vil ikke forbyde salafister

The Saturday interview: Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary

The Saturday interview: Ryanair boss Michael O'LearyThe Saturday interview: Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary The great French philosopher Blaise Pascal once wrote: "All human evil comes from a single cause, man's inability to sit still in a room." By that token, I suggest to Michael O'Leary, he is one of the world's most evil men, enticing millions of ... The Saturday interview: Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary

NY ID-theft ring recruited waiters to steal info

NY ID-theft ring recruited waiters to steal info JENNIFER PELTZ | November 18, 2011 01:21 PM EST | AP NEW YORK — An ambitious and organized identity-theft ring recruited waiters at steakhouses and other high-end restaurants to steal diners' credit-card information, then used it for luxury shopping ... NY ID-theft ring recruited waiters to steal info

Ministry to issue notifications on ships over 25 years old

Ministry to issue notifications on ships over 25 years old PTI | 10:11 PM,Nov 18,2011 Chennai, Nov 18 (PTI) In a move to curb marine accidents, the Union Shipping Ministry plans to issue notifications on ships which are over 25 years old, its Minister GK Vasan said here today. "The age of the ship plays a ... Ministry to issue notifications on ships over 25 years old

Video: Japanese Robot Helps Humans Clean Offices

Video: Japanese Robot Helps Humans Clean Offices Dr. Serkan Toto currently works as the first and only Asia-based writer for the TechCrunch network, mainly covering Japan-related technology and web companies for TechCrunch, CrunchGear and MobileCrunch. Serkan also works full-time as an independent ... Video: Japanese Robot Helps Humans Clean Offices

亚洲足球小姐候选名单出炉 日本包揽泽穗希大热

亚洲足球小姐候选名单出炉 日本包揽泽穗希大热 当地时间11月16日,亚足联公布了"2011年亚洲足球先生"的候选名单,日本的本田圭佑、香川真司,韩国的具滋哲、廉基勋,伊朗的阿吉利,乌兹别克斯坦的杰帕罗夫将角逐本年度亚洲足球先生殊荣。同时公布的还有"2011亚洲足球 ... 亚洲足球小姐候选名单出炉 日本包揽泽穗希大热

天津严查校车安全 满12分驾驶人三年内不得驾驶校车

天津严查校车安全 满12分驾驶人三年内不得驾驶校车 中广网天津11月18日消息(记者王嘉军 石峤)今天起,天津市将严查校车安全,在全市范围内紧急开展中小学生、幼儿园儿童上下学出行方式调查,彻底摸清学生乘坐车辆出行的安全隐患,确保不发生恶性交通安全事故。 据了解 ... 天津严查校车安全 满12分驾驶人三年内不得驾驶校车

Baddeley rebounds from bad finish to save the side

Baddeley rebounds from bad finish to save the sideBaddeley rebounds from bad finish to save the side AP MELBOURNE, Australia — It took Aaron Baddeley about 24 hours to turn wrong into right at the Presidents Cup. And in the same pressure-packed situation on the 18th hole at Royal Melbourne. Australia's captain Greg Norman, left, ... Baddeley rebounds from bad finish to save the side

MB "한-아세안, 1천500억 달러 교역 조기달성"

MB "한-아세안, 1천500억 달러 교역 조기달성" 인도네시아 발리를 방문 중인 이명박 대통령은 아세안 10개국 정상들과 실질 협력증진 방안을 논의했습니다. 이 대통령은 "한-아세안 FTA를 적극 활용해 오는 2015년로 계획된 천500억 달러 교역량 목표 조기 달성을 위해 노력하겠다"고 말했습니다. ... MB "한-아세안, 1천500억 달러 교역 조기달성"

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